Grandmother and granddaughter bond in this English and Spanish picture book.
Birdie and Grandma are having a girls' day! But Grandma's all worn out now. Birdie has a solution: a makeover! It'll give Grandma a chance to relax. Birdie insists that Grandma lie down because this beauty parlor has a lot of moving parts—chinny-chin-chin hair removal, long stretches of blush, slashes of lipstick, and eyeshadow. Earrings, scarves, the works! Birdie knows best: she owns this beauty parlor!
¡Birdie y su abuela están pasando el día juntas! Pero la abuela ya esta completamente agotada. Birdie tiene la solución: ¡una visita al Salón de Belleza de Birdie! La abuela nada más tiene que acostarse y Birdie va hacer todo el trabajo—le va sacar los pelitos de la barbilla, le va poner una montón de rubor, rayas de lápiz labial, y poner sombras de todos colores en sus ojos. ¡Birdie es la jefa!
Birdie's Beauty Parlor is the second collaboration between Lee Byrd and Francisco Delgado. Lee tells the stories of her grandchildren, but the images belong to Francisco's kids.